Jake Jr. - Snuggly Lap Dog

Jake Jr. makes himself right at home with his foster family. He loves to sit on their laps, follow them while they do chores (sweeping is his favorite), and help them with their computer. Although there are some things they must do to accommodate his needs, in the ways that count, he is like any other dog. Jake Jr. is a treasured part of the family and he will be missed when he goes to his forever home.[portfolio_slideshow]Diagnosing and treating Jake Jr's condition has cost CA GSP Rescue a considerable amount in Vet bills. During February, we have a rare opportunity to have each donation doubled in our Double the Love Drive. This includes donations and sponsors of Jake Jr. Please consider making a donation that will be worth twice as much to Jake Jr and CA GSP Rescue.



The Kong - the toy your dog will love


February is Spay and Neuter Your Pet Month!