Jake Jr. goes camping

With a little pre-planning, our little sleepwalking foster, Jake Jr., was able to join us on a recent camping trip. He made a couple of new doggy friends and plenty of human friends. Everyone thought he was just adorable! He loved the wind in his face as he rode with us in the side-by-side and chased the light of the flashlight  to the delight of all the kids (young and old) in camp. We were a little concerned that his potty training might not transfer over to the camper, but he did great - no accidents!We were a little concerned about letting him sit by the campfire with us; Jake usually takes naps after dinner and often sleepwalks.  However, there was enough going on that he stayed up and sat in my lap - with a leash on, of course. He adjusted to the camping routine quite nicely. Jake seemed to have a great time and eagerly takes on every new adventure. Although we have to make a few adjustments to accommodate him, it is worth it to experience that puppy joy![portfolio_slideshow]For more information on Jake Jr, click here


Max knows the basics


Jake Jr, Finding Some Answers, Looking for More