Jake Jr. - A little different, a lot of fun!

Jake Jr takes a bathOne thing about Jake Jr., things that have worked for most other dogs, don't necessarily work for him. Sometimes, we need to think outside the box a little. Since he chases water with a frantic abandon, the usual hose bath or shower  just doesn't work for him. Now, I've never given a dog a bubble bath before, but it seemed to be just the ticket for keeping Jake Jr. clean and happy. As soon as he got into the water, he sat down and was completely calm. Oh, there were a couple of dives under water, just to see what was there; they resulted in quite a cute bubbly mustache and goatee!Jake Jr. might be a little different. He might take a little bit more thought than some dogs. But, Jake Jr. is a whole lot of fun!If you think you might be the right fit for this  cute, fun, and slightly different dog, complete an application on our website.If you aren't able to provide a home for Jake Jr., but would like to help out with his medical bills, please click on the "donate" button to make a donation. Every amount is appreciated!



Cheer on Code 4 - Marching in Gaslamp Pet Parade


WARNING! All-natural sweeteners can be deadly for dogs