Jackson is Safe!

JackW420 JacksonRecently the Smithsonian published an article stating that of the adopted dogs from the shelter, "one in 10 of those adopted animals are no longer in their new homes" within six months of being adopted. Jackson just happens to be one in ten.A few months ago, California GSP Rescue was notified Jackson was in a local Humane Society. A short time later, Jackson was adopted and was living happily ever after... at least for a few weeks. His new family quickly learned that they were unable to give him the attention and training he needed. He repeatedly was showing up at the local shelter - a different shelter than the original Humane Society he was first adopted. About his third visit, his newly adopted family relinquished him to the shelter.  Fortunately for Jackson, California GSP Rescue was made aware of his presence in the shelter and already knew he needed an active family that could provide him with plenty of exercise and training.While he is a GSP Mix, his needs are similar to those of a purebred adolescent GSP. With a little discussion, the decision was made to pull Jackson. Volunteer Chip was notified of Jackson being in a local shelter and last Saturday, Chip made the trip to pull Jackson and get him one step closer to his new home. As an all volunteer organization, we depend solely on individuals like Chip who give their time to help. A big thanks to Chip for taking part of his Saturday and helping California GSP Rescue and Jackson.


Recall Alert!

