In Memory of Lily... A Short Life Well Lived...

Lily in memoriamWe were recently contacted by a former adopter that her beloved Lily whom she adopted from us about 4 years ago had passed away.  Shelley shared with us a little about Lily..."Four and a half years ago, I adopted Sissy from the GSP Rescue. We renamed her Lily. I only knew that she was rescued from a high kill shelter in the desert, one day before she was scheduled to be euthanized.Lily was the sweetest, happiest, friendliest dog I ever had. She had many unique qualities and idiosyncrasies that made me laugh. If her metal water bowl was empty, she'd pick it up with her front teeth, carry it into the family room and drop it on the tile. That bang let you know you were on notice. She thrilled in her daily "manning" the perimeters of the yard looking for lizards to play with or find peaches to pull off our tree, eat the fruit and leave the pits.It is with a heavy heart to share that Lily, who had a very rare and aggressive form of cancer, left us yesterday and is now with one of our previous Shorthairs, Rachel, in hunting heaven. While she was only five, she led a pretty full and spoiled life and provided the role of annoying sister to Izzy, a GSP we rescued a year before Lily. Thanks Lily for your companionship and love, you are truly missed".Shelley, we are so sorry to hear about the loss of Lily.  Thank you for sharing her story with us.  She may have left your arms, but she will never leave your heart.


Charlie Bear, You've Come a Long Way!


You Don't Have to be pure GSP to be AWESOME!