In Memory of Lily

IMG_9332It is with a heavy heart that we bring you the news that sweet Miss Lily passed away in her sleep. Lily has been fostered by the founder of the California GSP Rescue. Jan has taken care of her, treated her for Cushing's, fed her lots of yummy treats, and provided Lily with the pets she absolutely loved. In the past few months, Jan has also helped Lily get up and get outside for sunshine, as her coordination and legs began to fail her. Still, she continued to thoroughly enjoy her meals and love the attention of volunteers and her foster mom.Lily has been with the rescue about a year and a half. Shortly after coming to us, she began to have difficulty with her back legs as well as various other symptoms. Thanks to the rescue's vet, Dr. Kang, as well as the sonogram provided by Dr. Barnes, we found out Lily had Cushings and began treatment right away. Jan took her in to monitor the medication and give her the home life she deserved. While it didn't seem Lily was completely comfortable inside, she soon figured it out and was part of Jan's pack. Jan and the volunteers enjoyed Lily's quirky personality while we looked for an adopter for this sweet senior. Unfortunately, adopters for 12 year old dogs requiring medication aren't as common as we'd like, and Lily never found her adopter. She did, however, find a wonderful foster home and a loving family within the rescue. Although it seemed Lily might have had a rough life before she came to us, she enjoyed quite a perfect dog's life with her foster mom, and was clearly at ease and happy there.We are tremendously grateful that Jan could be there for Lily - and for all of our foster homes that take older dogs and dogs that need a little help while they get ready for adoption. Could you be a foster for an older dog or one in need? What better way to honor the memory of a sweet dog like Lily.


Ty is Safe!


Read This - Because It's Important!