In Loving Memory Of Toby

Toby was adopted in 2013 by long time volunteers, Deana and Steve and their family. He was a cherished family member for 7 years, and unfortunately, we received the sad news that Toby has passed away.We are so grateful to Deana and Steve for adopting Toby from us, and opening up their home and their hearts for an adult dog. Our hearts are hurting for them, as we know how much he will be missed by the entire family."On Sunday, May 10, 2020, we had to say good- bye to our sweet boy, Toby. He was the most incredible GSP we could have ever asked for. His temperament was amazing. He didn’t have a mean bone in his body. We loved him so much and it will take time to fill the hole left in our hearts.Toby (aka “Hans”) came into our lives on May 11, 2013. When we brought him home from the rescue, it was apparent that he just seemed like a “Toby” and that became his official name from that point on. Toby just cruised into our house when we brought him home just like he had always belonged there with us and our rescued GSP Cassie. He was the coolest dog.He was thought to be about 7 years old at the time and we had him for another wonderful, loving 7 years almost to the day. It is true, you may believe that you are rescuing a dog but really they are rescuing you. Toby loved to go for walks and as is typical with a GSP, he had plenty of energy to do so. He couldn’t wait for his treats he would receive after a nice long walk.Near the end we could see that his body could no longer keep up with his mind and the tough decision had to be made to let him go, be free, and wait for us someday at the rainbow bridge.We were truly blessed to spend those 7 wonderful years with our Toby and we thank the California GSP Rescue for bringing him into our lives. He will always be remembered forever and ever".


Hoku is Safe!


Nemo is Safe!