In Loving Memory of Honor

Honor who was known as Tigger came into the rescue with Valley Fever. Treatment of this non-contagious disease was medication for a year or more and titer tests to guage when he is done with meds. Thanks to a supporter, CA GSP Rescue found a source that offered Tigger’s medication at a very reasonable price, and although we didn’t know for sure how long he would need it, we can say it was a small price to pay to have such a wonderful dog!Tigger was a volunteer favorite, and we were looking for an adopter that was going to be able to understand and fulfill Tigger’s medical needs, and appreciate the exceptional dog he was.  Well we didn’t have to look very far, as repeat adopters, Skye and Gary had been waiting in the wings for a dog just like Tigger.  They had read up on Valley Fever, and also consulted with a friend of theirs that had a dog with it, and were prepared to do everything they needed to help Tigger thrive. Tigger joined their family, and they re-named him Honor.We recently received the sad news that Honor passed away from complications during surgery. Our hearts go out to Skye and Gary and their family, as we know how heartbroken they are over the loss of their precious boy. We are very grateful that Honor was given a chance at a normal happy life surrounded by the love of a family who cherished him."It is with great sadness I wanted to inform you that Honor passed away while waking up from his surgery yesterday. We still don’t have all the answers. To say we are broken hearted as a family is an understatement.

I cannot put into words what this dog meant to me personally. He was my joy. My delight. A gift taken too soon. He was a once in a lifetime dog. He was regal. He was stoic. He was a confident dog. He was a love bug. He literally smiled at me when I walked in the room.
Thank you for being a part of giving me one of my life’s greatest gifts.
Skye - Honor’s Mama" 
"The pet we loved will remain with us forever, and cherished memories will abide within our hearts, reminding us that the love we shared together is eternal"

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