In Loving Memory Of Hazel


Andrea and Dan and their daughter, Paige have been devoted volunteers for as long as we can remember. They have fostered several dogs for us preparing them for their forever homes, which is invaluable. They have also adopted dogs, some not easy, but faced the challenges head on and provided the training and tools for each dog to help them adapt to life in a home with other dogs, giving them the exercise and training, and socialization skills they need. Each dog that they took home whether it be a foster dog, or a forever dog, has thrived in their care, and we are truly grateful.

We recently learned the sad news that their beautiful Hazel whom they adopted from the California GSP Rescue back in 2007 has passed away at almost 17 years of age. The love and life she was given is what every dog dreams of, and Hazel managed to wrap herself around their hearts for over a decade. 

“Hazel came to us from CA GSP Rescue over 16 years ago…yes over 16 years ago!!! We think she is 16 going on 17 but may even be 17 for all we know. It’s a guess. I have never known a dog that was this old but I have also always known hazel was a warrior (and may have made a deal with the devil) .

We applied to CA GSP Rescue after our last GSP passed away. I saw they had a female named “Jill” that was all liver and I was convinced she was supposed to be our dog. It’s a silly thought that a picture would tell me it’s my dog but I felt back then she was. I submitted an application and didn’t hear back from anyone and was confused. We were prior GSP owners. We were active…. Why wouldn’t we hear back?? I contacted them on the contact us form on the website to ask if they had received our app and some guy named “Greg” called us back. Jill already had an appointment that Saturday but he told us to come down to the rescue anyways. I think he was out of town but a lady named “Jan” would be there and there were some adoptions that day and she would talk to us. We were young and naive and just followed the instructions he gave us.  

We got there Saturday and saw the people that were meeting the dog we thought was ours. They already had two dogs!!!! Who needs three dogs I thought!!!  How rude…. they were taking my dog and already had two dogs! Anyone that knows us knows for the last about 15 years (since Hazel), we have either had three dogs or had two dogs and a foster, so they were taking the dog that was supposed to be mine and already had two dogs…how odd. 

We hung out in the field and watched the dogs have a great time playing and sniffing and running and watched her get adopted. Jan eventually said that there was a dog that was just spayed and maybe we could meet her. She got Hazel (known as Angel back then, (an inappropriate name for our sassy piss and vinegar girl), and she circled the field paying zero attention to us but just running her GSP energy off. We watched her for a while and thought …well why not…she seems great! She was white with liver patches and almost looked like a pinto horse. She was named Hazel because one of her spots looked like a bunny and my husband loved a book about bunnies called “Watership Down”.

We brought Hazel home and she decompressed and was my marathon training partner.  We ran long runs on Saturdays and short to medium runs all week. She would run double digit miles on a Saturday and come home to run the backyard fence hunting for any little bunnies or things that moved.

We literally had to keep her in the house and make her lay near us. She was a dominant female with the other dogs… nice with them as long as they respected her house rules. We couldn’t let her on couches or beds because it allowed her inner beast to come out with other dogs. She was the foster sister to probably 30 other GSP’s and other dogs … and the big sister to Walter and Niels. She never really liked Niels and eye ball bullied him his whole life. She was an absolute angel with people though. Just gentle and sweet. Never a mean bone in her body. She was not nasty with other dogs, she just set the rules of behavior.  

As the years passed she slowed down. She stopped running with me, but I took her on shorter walks. She was still walking up to 4.5 miles all the way to about 14 years old. Then one day while out on a walk she slowed down and we had our daughter come pick her up, and knew no more big walks for our gal. She has been the house guardian since still working the back fence and going out front for much shorter “potty” walks since.

In recent months feeding her has been a challenge. She lost a couple of pounds, and sadly her back side had given way.  She couldn’t stand, and hardly could walk to go potty even in the yard. It was time. She has always been such a loyal and kind companion. She has tolerated so much. She has loved us loyally and unconditionally. It was our turn to gift her with dignity in this time.  

All our love Hazel. You are loved and hold a place in all of our hearts forever. We were so lucky to have you in our home and to have you for so many years. Say hi to your brothers and`be sweet to Niels…he wants you to like him”. 

While we are deeply saddened for Andrea and Dan and Paige’s tremendous loss, we are also grateful for the life they gave Hazel, and every dog that has and continues to walk through their door.


Chasser Is Adopted!


Rescuing Hearts: Vixen and the Unprecedented Surge of GSP’s in Southern California