In Loving Memory Of Eva

Our hearts are heavy as we just received the sad news that California GSP Rescue alumni, Eva who was adopted in 2007 has sadly passed away. Scott, her owner was kind enough to share with us the wonderful life they had together over the past 12 years.
"I regretfully bring you the sad news of Eva‘s passing. Since I adopted her in November 2007  from CA GSP rescue, she has been my constant companion and accompanied me. Eva and I started the trend of bringing our dogs to the car club annual picnic and she attended every year. She loved to go for rides in the Jaguar. In fact, every time I got it out of the garage she insisted on going for a ride. I would take her for a short trip and she was satisfied. Just part of the routine.
Eva loved attending the Palos Verdes seniors cars and coffee meet every month. As well as other area car shows. We would get ready for the meet early in the morning and she always got excited because she knew she was going to cars and coffee. My brother always brought a pigs ear for her at the C&C and took her for walks which added to her enthusiasm. Everyone loved Eva, they may not have known my name but they certainly remembered hers. She always received lots of attention. The same was true when we would go for walks in the neighborhood, everyone greeted her.
Although Eva was not fond of canine companionship, she always loved being with people and she was especially gentle with young children. She was an excellent watchdog too. I never had to worry about missing a delivery because Eva gave me advanced notice of anyone approaching the house. 
Eva was happily an indoors girl and enjoyed the creature comfort’s of being in the house. When we went outside to take care of the yard, she always considered the water hose is her personal toy. She loved to run through the spray and attack the water stream. She was an outstanding jumper and would jump into the stream from the hose. It was always refreshing for all parties involved. From the very day that she entered my life and our household Eva was appreciative of her forever home.
In August of this year I adopted Layla from the CA GSP rescue. Layla and Eva were respectful of one another and got along just fine together but really didn’t interact. They were opposite personalities. 
Late January Eva started to favor her right rear leg. After an examination and administering NSAID pain killers I observed no positive results. The veterinarian discovered that Eva had advanced bone cancer in her right rear leg which had metastasized into her rib cage. After discussion of the prognosis I concluded that the only humane decision was to let her go.
On Wednesday, January 30, 2019, Eva passed away peacefully in my arms. This is one of the responsibilities that we must all accept when we adopt a dog into our lives. It’s always a painful and difficult  decision. Every morning, I miss Eva not greeting me when I wake up or coming over for a back or belly rub. I want to thank the CA GSP Rescue for bringing Eva into my life".

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