In Loving Memory of Bevo

Bevo was truly a very special soul who was surrendered to us at 8 years old when his owner no longer had the time to give him the attention he needed. After getting to know Bevo, we realized just how very special he was. Such a sweet, smart, affectionate and loving guy, who loved people of all ages, was great with other dogs and even cats. Bevo went to a wonderful home with Arthur and Helayne who met him at an adoption event, and completely fell head over heals for Bevo. It was truly love at first sight.
"You may recall that we adopted Bevo, in April 2016. We are heartbroken to report that Bevo passed away yesterday. He had been fine until Thursday night when he strangely wasn't interested in his dinner. On Friday morning he was obviously in distress, so we rushed him to the animal hospital. They found that he had a bleeding tumor on his spleen, as well as tumors in his lungs. There was nothing they could do to save him.
We have had a lot of dogs over the years, and we've loved them all, but Bevo was so special. When we met him completely by chance at the 2016 Orange County Pet Expo, we knew right away that we needed him and he needed us. He was also immediately welcomed into the pack by our other dogs. Bevo was the ultimate velcro dog, and was the happiest when he was draped across my wife on the sofa. He was all love, and had to have been the gentlest creature on earth. Although he was with us for less than two years, it felt like he was ours for his entire life. He just had a way of making even the most stressful day a little easier. I can't express the heartache of knowing he's gone.
I know we made him happy for the past couple of years. He sure did that for us. Helayne and I would constantly look at each other and wonder how we could have gotten so lucky".
Our deepest condolences go out to Arthur and Helayne for their tremendous loss, and we thank them for opening up their home and their hearts to a very special senior GSP. Rest peacefully sweet boy. We will never forget you.