In Loving Memory Of Ben

Dick and Vicki adopted Ben from us in 2009, and we just received the news that he has passed away. Our thoughts go out to Dick and Vicki and their other dog Star who will miss him terribly. We are so grateful for the wonderful life they gave him. One that every dog dreams of.
"It’s with great sadness we wanted to let you all know that our “Ben” passed away this last Saturday. About eight months ago he was diagnosed with early signs of congestive heart failure, but you’d would never have known it, he was always excited  to go on our walks and running and playing with “Star” our other GSP.
Ben loved chasing rabbits, birds and other critters in our back yard and on our walks, although he truly hated baths, his all-time favorite pastime was chasing pigeons at the Del Mar beach under the bridge. We’d have to go in with his leash to drag him out of the water to go home, how he loved the beach and water.
We had Ben for about four years before we also adopted Star, I think the happiest we ever saw Ben was the day we brought her home. Although Star thought she was the boss around the house I think Ben kinda just let her think so to keep peace. 
On our walks if there was ever an issue with another dog Ben would always get between Star and the dog to protect her.
Ben will be sorely missed by all of us especially his sister Star, rest in peace my friend you will forever be missed and loved".
Dick, Vicki and Star

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Bruiser is Safe!