In Loving Memory of Basil

basil image scan0029Earlier this year, Sharon and Michael, lost their adopted dog Basil to osteosarcoma. Sharon and Michael sent in the following memorial for Basil:In December 2012 we rescued handsome, loving 9-yr.-old Basil. From the First time he walked into the house, we knew (and he knew) this is where he belonged. He brought such joy and fun into our lives...just wanted to be at his "Dad's" side whether they were working, playing or relaxing together on the patio for "Happy Hour”!This photo shows Basil with his favorite toy which we called "Kermit the Frog". This is actually Kermit no. 2 (no. 1 only lasted for about 3 months!).By mid-March of this year we noticed a small growth on his hind leg. On April 9th the vet confirmed osteosarcoma (bone cancer tumor), and gave a prognosis of 2 - 6 months. During that time, as the tumor grew very large, he never complained even though the vet advised us that this was a very painful cancer. He took his meds and just made the most of every single day as we showered him with love and attention.By the beginning of June when it had become very difficult for Basil to walk, he would lie on the chaise lounge every evening and enjoy the sunset while he watched Michael swim his laps.We said goodbye to our sweet Basil on June 17th.Basil is not the first Senior GSP we have rescued and he won't be the last. We discovered these Seniors are very loving, very easy to care for, and very grateful for being part of a family again.Sharon & MichaelFallbrook, CABasil was very special to all of the volunteers, and when Sharon and Michael took Basil home, it was a truly remarkable day.  Thank you Sharon and Michael for providing Basil with enough love for a lifetime, even though it was only for a short while.  He knew he was home, and cherished and loved, and that is all that we could ask for. Rest in peace sweet sweet Basil... You were loved by many, and we will never forget you... 


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