In Loving Memory Of Alissa

We are very sad to let you know that sweet Alissa has passed away. The California GSP Rescue was her last hope, and we tried treatments to slow her cancer. In the end, it was just too late by the time she came to us. The decision to let her go was a difficult one, but it became clear there was no longer hope, and no more happy or even comfortable days ahead for Alissa.Her foster family tell us. "She was more than just a foster dog; we felt like she was ours her entire life - instead of just a few months. Alissa just fit right in and endeared herself immediately to everyone in the house. She nudged each of us, and our visitors, for pets. She didn't play favorites, as many GSPs seem to do, we were all showered with attention. Not knowing what was ahead for Alissa, one of us was with her almost all of the time. We took her to work, friends and families' houses, the beach, the park, out for lunch, everywhere. She plopped herself on the same bed as our dog - something that might ordinarily get a growl in response, but Charlie accepted Alissa immediately. We would joke that Charlie was Alissa's therapy dog. Alissa either couldn't hear well, was never trained, or just didn't want to - as she completely ignored every command we gave. We even tried them with hand cues and in another language! It didn't matter, we thought this petite and gentle dog was perfect. It was more difficult to lose her than we imagined- she was part of every minute of our lives. Many people have said she had her best days as our foster, we really hope that wasn't true. Our most earnest wish is that she was older than they thought, and that she had many years with a family that adored her - as much as we did."Alissa passed peacefully with her foster dog-sister Charlie lying next to her. &


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