Hunter is a 50-lb hunk of love

Hello ya’ll!  Let me start out by introducing myself.  I am Hunter, an 8 year old GSP who is full of life!  I’m looking for a suitable family to let me love them and keep me forever.Here are a few things about me that you should know.  I am a 50lb hunk of love!! I totally dig hiking and recently easily did 9.2 miles in Devils Punch Bowl. I also love playing in the water, pictured is me on a recent trip to the Long Beach water park. I had a blast running around and chasing all of the birds. I absolutely love to sniff and find possible critters around the yard. Long walks and bike rides are really fun for me too. Outside is my element, but don’t get me wrong cuz I love to sit on the couch and lay in yer lap if you let me. Belly scratches and neck rubs are among my favorites.I didn’t get the memo that I was a big dog. Car rides are new to me but I never turn one down and I’m really calm. I’d prefer to sit in yer lap and stick my nose out the window but I’m ok with laying down in the back as well.If you would like to hang out with me to see if I might be the perfect pup for you, just complete an adoption application and be sure to let them know, Hunter sent you!If you would like to help Hunter find his forever home, please print this flyer and post it in your neighborhood coffee shops, veterinarian office, pet supply store and community bulletin boards.


Bella gets adopted!


Anna will roll over for you