Healthy Casserole for your Dogs

casseroleWith so many recalls these days, we have to be careful what we feed to our dogs.  The volunteers have come up with a recipe that will not only have your dogs drooling in the kitchen, but it is healthy for them too!  If you are lucky, maybe they will share with you!

"Dog Gone Good Healthy Casserole"

1 lb ground turkey (trader joes for about $4)1 lb ground beef ($2.69 at trader joes)As a substitute for the ground beef and turkey, you can boil boneless skinless chicken thighs and save the broth to add in to the food.3 cups brown riceAdd some Lentils, beans or barley for a low fat, high fiber meal.Two cans sardinesOne frozen bag of veggies any combination or all (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, green beans, or spinach)Three or four sweet potatoes cut in piecesZucchini slicesFresh parsley (optional), but great for digestion and to sweeten that doggy breath!You can also add a little olive oil, salmon oil or fish oil to the mixture.  It is great for their coats and their joint health!Six cups waterYou can use all these ingredients or mix it up each time.Cook all of the above in a large pot for forty minutesAt the end add one dozen eggsPut it in a large casserole dish and use it daily.You can serve it alone, or add this to about a 1/2 cup of their grain free Made in the USA dry food. (We recommend Nature's Domain Salmon and Sweet Potato from Costco).Of course Organic is available.  It is up to you if you and your budget if want to use all organic ingredients.Serving sizes vary upon whether or not you are supplementing the homemade food with your dry dog food or only feeding the homemade dog food.  Here is a guideline that we use, but you should do what works best for your dog depending upon weight and size and whether or not you want them to gain or lose a few pounds.  Of course, it is always best to divide the meals into two meals per day.10 lb dog - approx 1 to 1 1/4 cups per day20 lb dog - approx 1 2/3 to 2 cups per day40 lb dog - approx 2 2/3 to 3 1/2 cups per day60 lb dog - approx 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 cups per day80 lb dog - approx 4 1/2 to 6 cups per dayBone Appetite!


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