Harry Is Adopted!

Harry Betsy DSC_0616w64Harry is Adopted!  Well they say "the third time is a charm", and in Harry's case, it certainly is!Harry was adopted and returned twice for reasons that were no fault of his own.  His first family that adopted him, spent a great deal of time with Harry during the summer after bringing him home, giving him the exercise and attention he needed. When summer was over, his family went back to work and school, and Harry's family no longer had the time for Harry, and he became bored and began trying to escape and had become destructive. Their schedules were too busy to be able to work with Harry, so they returned him to us.The second time around, we thought we had found the perfect home for Harry. They had a cat which Harry had proved in his cat test that he could be a good candidate for a cat home.  There was one challenge in this new home that we weren't able to test Harry, and that was could he live with two tortoises? When Harry's new owners took him home, Harry, not ever seeing a tortoise became very curious and was turning the tortoises over. Not something that his new home would tolerate for fear that he would hurt the tortoises. So back to us he came.Then along came Betsy. A previous GSP owner, who applied with us to adopt a dog that would be a good fit for her active lifestyle and as a companion for not only herself, but also for her son, and her cat, Java.  She also wanted a dog that would be well socialized with both people and other dogs, and that could accompany her on walks as well as runs, and trips to the lake.From what we had learned about Harry through his foster family, he seemed like the perfect fit for Betsy and her family, so we invited her out to meet him.  It didn't take long for Betsy to decide that Harry was perfect, and she wasn't leaving without him.We have had some incredible updates from Betsy that we wanted to share with you that has brought a smile to all of our faces. I we are pretty sure they will make you smile too."Harry was perfect on the drive back and is already making himself at home! He loves his car rides!  Harry got a mani /pedi today at the vet, and got a new toy for doing so well.  At the dog park, he likes to greet everyone as they come in and introduce himself. He is becoming quite the popular guy!!! He really is adjusting beautifully, and everyone who meets him falls in love with him on the spot!! My friends have nicknamed him "Prince Harry."We have been visiting many parks this week and we found a new one this morning and Harry chased a chipmunk. Harry went to a pool party on Sunday and was the only dog who did not try to grab a ball out of a toddler's hand. All of the kids loved him and were giving him hugs. He also went swimming but wasn't a huge fan of the water. He definitely made a good impression and got a few small pieces of brisket for being so good.  He was so perfect with Java, the cat. He has really settled in and he and the cat have become very tolerable of each other. Harry and Java haven't been separated since Sunday and have been doing really well!!  Harry is the best!!! I know I have said it before, but it's true, everyone falls in love with him wherever he goes. He went to the wetlands on Tuesday and was mesmerized by all of the birds and new smells. Harry is so wonderful!!! I feel so lucky to have him as a part of our family!!  This is most definitely his forever home! We couldn't be happier for Harry! Such a well deserving dog who found the perfect home with Betsy who undoubtedly was the just the right match for Harry.Watch our Facebook Page throughout today, for photos of Harry in his new FOREVER home! 


Pints For Pointers Next Stop! Ventura!


CC Is A Sweetie!