Harpo Is Safe!

Harpo_13-21104w36Some weeks can be a challenge... Take for instance, the last two weeks with a number of GSPs in kill shelters. Fortunately, we've been able to track and have not needed to pull all of the GSPs as some where adopted and others claimed.  However, when Harpo's time was up and no one had come for him, we got him!It's not always convenient for an all volunteer organization to make arrangements to get the dogs as was the case for Harpo. With short notice of when he would be available after the shelter's Vet was done, founder Jan jumped in her car and made the way into traffic to make sure Harpo was safe and didn't spend another night at the shelter.A big thanks to Jan and the other volunteers that helped Harpo find his way to safety.

Check back to learn more about Harpo as we get to know him.

Thank You For Helping Make Wine 4 The Dogs A Success!

