Happy Is Safe! What Did You Do On Your Spring Break?

When Happy was turned into the shelter, his name wasn't Happy. It was Grumpy. His previous owner relinquished him to the shelter not to find him a new home but with instructions to euthanize him because he was too old. An eight year old GSP - too old?!? Some would argue that is the perfect age for a GSP - still able to go for hours, but happy to chill out with you if it's only a walk. And who turns in their beloved dog to a shelter with instructions to put him to sleep?!? That's where our two heroines enter the story. Kenzie and Alli were visiting their grandmother who happens to be one of the dedicated California GSP Rescue volunteers. While most kids their age on Spring Break are going to the beach or Disneyland, Kenzie and Alli were going to visit Happy at the shelter. In his kennel, he comes up to them not fearful or aggressive but curious and desiring attention. Both Alli and Kenzie are amazed he's in the shelter, and can't believe the owner wanted him to be put to sleep.  They decide, with the help of their Mimi, they are going to make a difference. Not only are they going to help rescue Happy from the shelter, they are going to help find him a forever home!With the help of two little girls on their Spring Break, Happy was rescued from the shelter and is now safe! We were not surprised that Happy doesn't appear to have been very well cared for. He looks to have been kept outdoors - a backyard dog at best. Most likely fed, but getting little attention as he appeared to be infested with fleas as well as full of worms. However, other than these few treatable things, Happy appears to be in good health - much too young to be euthanized!We would like to thank Kenzie and Alli for taking time on their Spring Break while visiting their Mimi, to help rescue Happy. We especially would like to thank their Mimi, Teri, one of the most dedicated volunteers who, by helping educate her granddaughters on the value of our pets and the problem of over populated shelters, helps the next generation better understand a problem that can be solved. So what did you do on your Spring Break? You can still help Happy by sharing this post on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media. You can also help by making a donation to sponsor Happy. While he won't (hopefully) have any major vet bills, we will see that he is properly fed, bathed, and cared for while we look for his forever home! [give_form id="33769"] 


Pints For Pointers Is Coming To Fallbrook!


Save The Date! Pints For Pointers Is Coming To The Fallbrook Brewery!