Hans aka Hank gets adopted!

Hans came to us from someone that rescued him from a local shelter and was unable to provide him with the exercise and attention that he needed. He made a few return visits back to the shelter in the short time they had him before contacting CA GSP Rescue for assistance. Hans isn't a bad dog, just needed a little exercise and training - something many GSPs that we rescue have lacked. Fortunately, Marty and Cindy seemed like the perfect family for Hans, now known as Hank, and recently sent the following update, "Hank is doing well.  He is getting the rules down and is still eager to learn.  We started running this morning with 1/4 mile intervals of running and walking and I think he is really liking the faster pace.  He does quite well on a leash.  On our walks he never pulls, pays no attention to barking dogs and with the stop command at corners he automatically sits and waits before we cross streets.  A few days ago my daughter and I took Hank "hunting".  He really had a good time searching for birds, jumping over and/or running through brush and just exploring.  We kept him on a long leash but are hoping in time to let him off leash.  However, that will not be anytime soon.  He is still in the learning stages of coming on command when there is so much fun to be had chasing birds..." A big THANKS to Marty for the great update on well Hank is doing. Pictured here is Marty with Hank.


Gilroy is safe!


Ranger is safe!