Grayson's Vet Bill

Update: The Chip-In for Grayson's Vet Bill has met it's goal!  Thank you to everyone that donated and to all those that continue to support us!  Any additional funds received from this Chip-In will go towards Baron's Vet bill. What a great way to end the year!Grayson is the second dog in the care of California GSP Rescue that has recently needed surgery. Grayson had a number of growths removed some of which were determined to be "aggressive" and he has recovered nicely and is ready to be adopted. However, we're not only faced with finding him a forever home but raising the funds to pay off his Vet bill.  As an all volunteer non-profit organization, we rely on the help our supporters and their donations to help with the Vet Bills like Grayson's. Please, any amount that you can afford to donate would be greatly appreciated.


Luna is safe!


FDA: Pet treats imported from China can cause severe illness, death