Good bye old friend... A tribute to Wilbur

Wilbur III 8-10-13_croppedWe adopted Wilbur 9 months ago, when it was time to add another senior to our pack of two.  We had originally wanted to adopt Hunter Thomas, but found that he’d been spoken for by another family.  We were then introduced to Wilbur, who came into the exercise yard, and kept completely to himself as he walked the perimeter, shooting apprehensive glances over his shoulders to all the activity.  Wilbur was reportedly 14, and had been hugely obese when he was dropped off at the LA shelter four years previously.  The paperwork from the shelter said that Wilbur was so frightened, they recommended euthanizing him.  The Rescue saved him, but poor Wilbur never found his forever home.  He’d been fostered by one family, adopted by another, and then returned to the Rescue both times.  He needed a home, and we had an opening.  It was Thanksgiving 2012, and Wilbur was going to be a Carr Dog.In February 2013, because of a nagging cough, Wilbur had a complete physical.  We were shocked when our vet said Wilbur had full blown heartworms.  He even had baby worms in his bloodstream, which means he’d been infected for about a year.  Because of his age, and the severity of the infestation, we elected to not give him the arsenic treatment.  We knew that he needed hospice care, and decided he’d have the best life we could provide for him in the time he had left.  Because of the numerous worms inside his heart, he could’ve keeled over at any moment.  But Wilbur was a GSP, and GSP’s don’t give in.  We went for long walks, truck rides to get frozen yogurt, and made a daily trek to the local dog park.When his breathing became much more labored, when he couldn’t get up on his own, and when his life moved from being uncomfortable to true suffering, it was time to say goodbye to our old friend.One of his most endearing habits was to give us a huge, teeth baring smile when he was happy to see us.  It was a terrific dog grin, one that we looked for.We will miss your snarly smile, old man.  See you on the other side, Wilbur.


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