Getting to know Sadie

I am calling Sadie my "accidental foster".  I usually try to foster dogs more in need - those that have medical needs, need to overcome shyness, or just need some house manners. Sadie doesn't qualify in any of those areas! She has nice house manners - even waits to be invited onto the couch. She is housebroken, comes when called, and immediately got along with our GSP. She absolutely loves to play with other dogs. Her only flaw is she is pushy. If you go too long without paying attention to her, she will come and push your hand with her nose as if to say, "hey, don't forget me, I'm down here, can you pet me now, or just talk to me, or even look my way would be good, I just want to make sure you remember I'm here, don't forget me, okay?"So how did we come to foster Sadie? We happened to be on vacation near the shelter where Sadie was pulled.  She needed transport and we were coming back to San Diego so we rearranged some luggage, bought a dog bed, and invited her on the road trip. After 9 hours in the car with her, we were hooked. There's more to come as we get to know Sadie.


Chenelle (Nellie)


Code Four wins First Prize at 2012 Blessing of the Animals!