Geno is safe!

Geno is safe!Geno, so far, is one lucky GSP. As often happens, we received a call that there was a GSP in a local kill shelter whose time had literally run out. Also not uncommon for GSP Rescue, was to hear he had a medical issue that his former owner and the shelter were unable to deal with. With no one interested in adopting Geno due to a growth on his neck (see photo) that was originally thought to be a snake bite, CA GSP Rescue received a phone call from independent rescuer Stephani Rizo that Geno's time was up and if we didn't get him by the end of the day September 10th, Geno would be put to sleep.  With little more than knowing Geno had a growth and his initial prognosis from the shelter Veterinarian was grave, California GSP Rescue had Geno pulled from the shelter and transported to Dr Kang's office to undergo further testing. The results of the initial tests have been good and Geno is scheduled for surgery next week to remove the growth on his neck. Geno is a well-mannered, sweet boy and we are hoping the surgery goes well so Geno can have a second chance. We would like to thank Independent Rescuer Stephani Rizo for helping coordinate and transport Geno and Dr Kang of College Pet Clinic who made sure that Geno was seen immediately and who is committed to helping him. Let's hope Geno continues his streak of good luck.Look for an update on Geno next week after his surgery and a ChipIn where we will be asking for your support to help pay for Geno's medical bills.


Honey & Joe - watching the tide roll in


Notice: Dog Food Recall