Frieda is Adopted!

Frieda GSP AdoptWhen Michelle and Mike were looking for their first family dog, they knew they wanted  a running partner,  but mostly they wanted a dog that would be an excellent match for their three young daughters. They were patient and although it took about 6 weeks, they put their faith in the rescue and waited for that perfect match.
Then came along Frieda who was surrendered to us. She wasn't doing well with the young puppy her former owners added, but that wasn't a concern at all for Michelle and Mike, so they brought the girls out to meet her. We are pretty sure it was love at first sight.
We've received a couple of updates and wonderful photos since adoption day and couldn't be more pleased that they are not only loving their newest family member, but also are willing to work on her counter-surfing habit. As with so many GSPs, she is quite persistent! Frieda is enjoying runs with her new mom and dad, is loving the attention of the girls,  and has found a great nighttime spot at the end of their daughter's bed. Soon, she will get to enjoy her first camping outing with her new and forever family.  A pretty awesome life for a pretty awesome GSP.

Brandy is Adopted!


Meet Piper!