Freckles and Spotty are Safe!

Freckles Spotty IMG_20130525_133015w64 (1)Freckles and Spot showed up at an animal shelter because their owner was admitted to a hospital for cancer treatment and was no longer able to provide for his dogs. An animal care attendant at the remote shelter reached out for help knowing the chances of Freckles and Spotty getting adopted were slim. Fortunately,  volunteers from NorCal GSP Rescue and California GSP Rescue along with a pilot from Pilots and Paws were able to make arrangements to pull and transport the boys to safety.Last Saturday, volunteer Sara pulled and transported the brothers to meet pilot Marty, from Pilots and Paws, at the nearby airport. Marty then flew the boys first class to meet volunteer Lisa at a local airport. Lisa transported the boys the last leg to California GSP Rescue. Everyone was impressed with how well behaved the boys were on the transport. They look and behave like two exceptional GSPs and will make great candidates for someone looking to provide them a forever home.Many thanks go out to pilot Marty, from Pilots and Paws, who flew the boys down. He isn't involved with the either rescue but was looking to help a dog in need while out flying. Thank to NorCal Volunteers Robin, Cheryl, & Sara for communicating and making arrangements with the shelter, helping plan, and transporting the boys from the shelter to the airport. Lastly, thanks to volunteer Lisa, who gave up time working with the dogs at Saturday morning training, to help transport Freckles and Spotty.Look for more information about this pair of great GSPs real soon.




Hilde is Safe!