Fox is Adopted!

Fox AdoptedWe are happy to let you know that Fox has been adopted!Fox came to California GSP Rescue when her owner passed away and our volunteers quickly fell for her; she was the epitome of a GSP - energetic and very ready to hunt! Gavin and Christina also fell for this petite girl and felt she would be perfect for their active lifestyle. In true GSP fashion, Fox decided to challenge her new family  early on. They came home to a hole in the fence. With a little detective work, it was determined she was probably trying to get to the trash area, where critters are known to frequent. Once they determined she was happy and safe inside when they were at work, it's been a pretty smooth transition.Gavin and Christina have had Fox for a little while now, and sent us this wonderful update,  "Fox has been adjusting well to her new home... She's a classic GSP who wants to be outside sniffing bushes or inside on the couch with us.  That girl loves to run!  She runs next to my bike every morning for 3 miles, then jogs with Christina for another 3 miles at night.  She also likes any opportunity to run off leash at the dog beach and hiking trails.  We've taken her all over with us...camping in Ojai and the Sierras, and a road trip to Mammoth for labor day.  We've been working on teaching her "down", and perfecting some of the other commands she already sort of knew.  When we are out everyone we come across loves her, and thinks she's a puppy. They are always surprised when we explain that she has the size and energy of a puppy, but is actually 7.  She seems to have settled into our house well, and we love to have her around."Our many thanks to Gavin and Christina for giving this spunky adult GSP a forever home!


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