Fosters! We Need You!

foster_post_newWe need folks that can lead a few dogs to their future. We have specific dogs that need a leader that can guide them and commit to them despite their minor flaws…after all don’t we all have our flaws?Not every dog in our care can live within a pack of dogs without a guide.  A few of them need strong leadership to rebuild the confidence and security they may have lacked in their prior home (or lack of home).Rescue has so many different types of dogs.  We get in a full range of ages and personalities and backgrounds.  When we watch so many dogs come through our doors, we can sit back and admire the similarities within the GSP breed. We also can see the variety of environmental backgrounds and genetic differences impacting the personalities of each beautiful GSP we care for. Because they are GSPs, we know they can learn something new.Do you have the skills - or the will - to guide a dog from a place of fear, displacement or general insecurity into a place of contentment and security? Then consider working with us by volunteering, fostering or adopting an exceptional-dog-in-the-making!  We are looking for Fosters. There are some wonderful dogs in our care who may need your dedication to get them to the point of adoption and a forever home.  The rewards can be life-changing… at least for one small soul with four paws.Change the future for a homeless GSP!  Foster - Adopt - Volunteer!Contact us to learn more about volunteering opportunities, and if you would like to open your home and your heart to foster or adopt a dog in our care, please apply here.


Santa Paws Adoption Event


Hershey is Safe!