Fostering “Furever” changes you…

This is an excerpt from a blog written by one of our foster moms that shows us the reality and rewards of fostering, in preparation of finding a dog in need its forever home."Let me share with you some of the beautiful, funny, crazy, important, memorable lessons that have been brought to us this past year.  Right before my grandfather passed away my husband’s unshakable desire to have a German Short-haired Pointer in the house led us to the California GSP Rescue.  I can’t tell you how many times I caught him googling GSP puppies or pictures of trained hunters pointing in a field after a quail or two.  We already have two dogs (along with some goats, chickens, bunnies and now a 150lb pot belly pig) so adding in a  purebred puppy could be considered unnecessary or extra work that would just add stress and complications to my already busy life.  We discussed it at length and our  compromise (since he was gone ALL the time for work) was that instead of buying a puppy we would begin volunteering at the local rescue, get our kids used to the breed and teach them how to work with dogs to help them without needing to bring them home and call them “mine”.  We became a Foster Family.  This last year has been a crazy spinning door of heartbreaking stories where one amazingly wonderful dog after another had been dumped, abused, neglected or shoved to the side…. each and every time we welcomed them into our home with treats in our hands and happy children ready to smother them with love.  Slowly but surely each and every one of them were adopted into a perfectly wonderfully loving FUREVER HOME!!!  It has been such a great experience for my children to help love these sweet innocent dogs, teach them certain things they may need to learn in order to be considered more “adoptable” or love them to help them come out of their shell….and then let them go.  I am SO PROUD of my family for doing such a great job and working together to help ALL of these pups heal and find their way".We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Rabecca and her family for fostering.  You have made a huge difference in the lives of so many dogs that you have brought into your home.  It is so much easier to adopt a dog out from a home environment, as the true personality of the dog becomes known by the foster family much quicker than that of a dog that is waiting in a kennel.If you would like to help by fostering a dog, please complete an application, and be sure to complete the fostering portion as well.  One of our volunteers will contact you.


Nellie likes boys


Bentley is adopted!