Flynn Is Safe! Meet Flynn! And Flynn Is Adopted!

Flynn and Maxwell adoption photoNormally, we have a process when a dog comes to the California GSP Rescue. We let you know about how we got him with a "Safe"! story. Then, we learn a little about him, take some glamour photos, and let you know about him in a "Meet"! story. And, hopefully very soon, we are able to post an "Adopted"! story.  With cute and spunky little GSP mix Flynn, all of these things happened so fast, we will have to do it all at once!We were alerted to a young GSP in a local shelter. We weren't sure by the photo if he was GSP or GSP mix but, when he wasn't adopted we asked Volunteer Lisa to go and meet him. She found a wiggly, sweet little ten-month old puppy who seemed to be part GSP. Confident we could place him in a home prepared for the energy and training of a GSP, Lisa brought him to the rescue. We soon found that Flynn was in need of leash training and some general obedience, but love of people and other dogs he already had figured out! Since we have several applicants approved and waiting for a young dog, it was just a matter of our adoption volunteers getting together to find the best match for little Flynn.Maxwell was a great fit for Flynn! He had the time to devote to the training Flynn would need, the energy and lifestyle to keep Flynn exercised, and was open to meeting a GSP mix. Maxwell thought Flynn was pretty special - and Flynn seemed pretty happy with his visitor as well so, Flynn was adopted!Maxwell has since sent some great photos  (check out Facebook Page throughout the day for a few doses of puppy adorableness).Maxwell tells us, "Flynn is such a blessing in my apartment, perfect size and amount of energy. He has been such great listener when it comes to house training like sit, stay and has been extraordinary on the lead... He loves cuddling and woke up to him laying on my arm, under the covers."Another story of a rescued, and now spoiled, dog - a great way to start the day! 


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