Flynn is adopted

Flynn_aka_Django_Ginita_Quincy_DSC_9483w64Ginita is a prior adopter who adopted Quincy from us approximately six years ago, and has provided him with a wonderful home. Recently, Ginita was looking for a second dog to add to her family and, by chance, found that we had Buttercup's puppies.  She has patiently been waiting to bring home Flynn since the day she found out about the puppies.  She came to meet them once to make sure they would be a good fit for her. Finally, after 12 weeks, puppy shots and the puppies being spayed and neutered Ginita got to come take Flynn home.  She has renamed him Django after a Hungarian gypsy.We know what a wonderful home Ginita provides for her dogs as it is evident by how well Quincy has done with her. We are quite happy when a prior adopter comes back to us to add to their family.


Wine 4 Dogs is This Sunday February 24th!!


Recall: Instinct Raw Food