Ebony is easy to train

If you have been following the posts on Ebony, you are probably already aware she loves to play fetch. In fact, this is one of the few photos that we have of her without a ball! What you may not know is Ebony is smart! While she doesn't appear to have had much training before she arrived to the rescue, she is eager to please which will make it easy for her adopter to train her. Ebony often gets overlooked - perhaps because she doesn't look like your typical GSP or maybe because she is an adult GSP - however, we are certain she will make the perfect dog for the right person.If you would like to learn more about Ebony, click here or, if you haven't done so already, complete an application to meet her.Please help us find Ebony a forever home. It's as easy as printing this flyer and posting it in your neighborhood coffee shops, veterinarian office, pet supply store and community bulletin boards.


Gretel is adopted!


In memory of Bruno—truly an old soul