Ebony is a "One Dog Party"!

Ebony water"Ebony + Pool + Ball = Fun"!The day they brought a baby pool out, one of the volunteers started playing with me.  I had so much fun in the pool!!!  I didn't want to get out, but then after I played in the pool, they played fetch with me!  I am really good at it too!  If you tell me to sit before you throw the ball, I will do it!I have been told that I charm the volunteers at the rescue. I absolutely love being around people.  I think they are so cool!  I much prefer playing with people than other dogs, so I need a home where I can be a sole companion, but I promise to be an awesome one! In fact, I am just as much fun as 2 dogs!To learn more about me, watch my video below, and visit my page here.I am excited for my family to find me, and you can help by sharing this post and video! 


GSP Rescue Receives Special Dog Houses


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