Ebony... I'm Still Here

Ebony_January 1, 2014Well, Christmas has come and gone.  The flyers have been posted, the word has been spread, and despite our efforts to find a home for Ebony by Christmas, she still waits... Waits for a home with that special person that understands her needs and will love her unconditionally, just as she will love them.If you haven't taken a look at Ebony, perhaps now is the time... She has been in rescue a very long time and has been overlooked.  We have provided many posts that show her amazing personality, but still no one asks to meet her.We are not sure why Ebony is still with us... Is it because she is a mix?  Is it because she is black? Is it because she needs to be an only dog in the home?  Is it because she needs to be in a home without children?  We know that there is someone out there that would be a perfect match for her.  Someone wanting to share their life with Ebony, to love and appreciate all of her wonderful qualities, that could make room for her in their life.Ebony loves people and is very affectionate.  She loves to play ball and swim!  She may need to be an only dog in the home, but she provides enough fun of 2 dogs!We love Ebony, but we want nothing more than for Ebony to go home.  She is long overdue, and needs someone to love and cherish her and play some ball!Learn all about Ebony here.


Sammy AKA Pigpen


Rocky and Lakota... 2 years later