Ebony can fly!

Ebony is a 6 year old (Shhh, don't tell her) with plenty of spunk. She loves to take walks and sniff the neighborhood - and she is great on a leash, just a little pulling when she is excited, but she responds very easily to your correction. Although she can easily be mellow and just hang out, Ebony will gladly chase the tennis ball and put on a show. She will practically fly through the air to catch the high ones! Ebony is typical of an adult GSP: energetic, fun, calm, and mellow - all in the same dog!If you would like to learn more about Ebony, click here or, if you haven't done so already, complete an application.If you would like to help Ebony find her forever home, please print this flyer and post it in your neighborhood coffee shops, veterinarian office, pet supply store and community bulletin boards.


Otis (A517753) is safe!


Race loves to play fetch!