Duke II is Adopted!

Duke_adopt1When repeat adopters Dan and Catherine were looking to add a new companion, they were seeking a young and active dog - and that's exactly what they got in Duke! Eight years young and quite active, they were impressed by the energy and intelligence of Duke.  They are enjoying his spunk and his spirit, and wrote to give us this update."He's settling in and slowly learning the house rules. :) We've been having fun walking and spent several hours at the park both days last weekend. We are amazed at how smart he is! You can see the wheels turning all the time. So we've bought him some toys and even a treat puzzle to help keep his brain occupied."Since they had a GSP named Duke before, they decided to rename Duke II to Dooley - as his new mom Catherine says, " I wanted Dooley to have his own identity. It wouldn't be fair to this new dog if I transferred expectations of behavior, and so on. I want to know Dooley for Dooley."Many thanks to Dan, Catherine, and their family for recognizing that 8 is definitely not "old", and for recognizing that GSPs love to learn and be challenged, and for appreciating Dooley for who he is! 


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