Donner Gets Adopted!

Donner was recently adopted by Steve and Cori. Steve wrote us to say, "I wanted to let you know that Donner is working out perfectly. It took him a week to come out of his shell, but once he did he became a goofy, fun and well behaved dog. In fact, he has got to be the most well behaved dog I have ever been around. He has been so mellow and calm that I took him to work right away. He is the most well behaved dog in the office and the only one that is allowed to come every day. He spends the whole day looking for people to pet him or sitting on my feet. He has been very easy to train and has already learned sit, stay, come, and lay down. He has been great on the leash and is a perfect running partner and is up to running 5 miles a day with us. He has been eating well and put on about 8 pounds and he really enjoys the company of our friend's and neighbor's dogs. Thank you again for such a great dog." Thank you, Steve and Cori for rescuing a GSP!


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