Dixie's trail walks

We try to walk, train and get to know each of the GSP's in our care to best find the perfect forever home for them.  Dixie was out with one of our volunteers who really enjoyed Dixie taking pleasure in her walk.  She told us "Dixie is so happy and energetic.  She loves to go on long walks.  I use a harness and a long 30' lead so she can bound all around and look in the bushes for any little creatures.  When its warm she looks for water to lie in and cool her body off.   After she soaks her body in water she is ready to hit the trail and head back."  Dixie would like to be an only dog and would love a home with critters to search for in the yard and people to lay near at night and call her own. Pictured here is Volunteer Tabatha walking Dixie on a six foot leash. Click here to read more about Dixie


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