Dexter is Safe!

Dexter in shelter"Can you go by your local shelter and check on this dog listed as a GSP?" Volunteer Lisa was asked. A few days earlier we had received word that a GSP, possibly a mix, had shown up. The photo was of the head and didn't give any details to the body. This wasn't unusual. Many other breeds are often misclassified by shelter staff as "German Shorthaired Pointers" or "German Shorthaired Pointer Mixes" and may have photos that do not give enough details to give an indication whether the GSP is a purebred, a GSP Mix, or another breed altogether.Volunteer Lisa made arrangements to run by the shelter the next day. Once there, she located the "GSP" known as Dexter and took photos and video to share. "He's a cutey!" Lisa declared. Looking at the photos, his markings were of a German Shorthaired Pointer but he appeared a little smaller. Dexter was an adult, not one of the younger more adoptable dogs. His tail was intact which isn't uncommon as backyard breeders often sell GSPs with intact tails not wanting to spend any additional monies at the Vets that cut into their profits.  Needing to make a decision about this "cutey", we examined the photos and videos that Lisa had sent while Lisa spent a little more time with Dexter evaluating his disposition. While our focus is on rescuing purebred GSPs, when we are able, we will assist shelters with the Mixes that often go unnoticed and eventually are euthanized. Everyone agreed with Volunteer Lisa that he was indeed a "cutey". His appearance matched his pleasant disposition. As with all dogs at shelters, after the initial holding period, the shelters are not obligated to hold the dogs any longer. A decision needed to be made sooner rather than later. After a short discussion, the decision was made to rescue this cute smaller adult GSP Mix. Dexter is Safe!Everyday hundreds of dogs like Dexter show up at California shelters. This will be the final stop for many of the ones that have outgrown the puppy stage. California GSP Rescue is dedicated to making a difference and doing something to help with the pet overpopulation. Even if this means assisting with GSP Mixes. We are advocates for anyone wanting to get a pet to work with reputable rescues that actively rescue animals from the shelters.  We greatly appreciate the adopters that support our efforts in helping decrease the number of animals euthanized each day.Dexter will be one of the featured dogs at the Pints for Pointers at Escape Craft Brewery Sunday November 12th. We invite you to come take part in the fun and meet one of the amazing dogs that we rescued from being euthanized.Please consider becoming a Rescue Hero and making a small monthly donation to help support our efforts. 


Kaiser Is Adopted!


Rosie Is Adopted!