Delilah Gets Adopted!

Adopted Delilah GSP German Shorthaired Pointer RescueDelilah gets adopted! A young pointer can be part chaos, part sweet snuggler, and definitely a work-in-progress.  Amy, mom of two human children and one dog, was up for the challenge! So far, Delilah has been a delight - good on a leash, has got used to her crate at night, and gets along well with her pointer brother. Only one problem reported: " My only issue with these past few days is that I have no good photos of her to share...she never sits still unless she is in her crate sleeping!! "We know those of you who have gone through pointer puppy-hood are out there smiling right now!  Thanks Amy and family for taking on the training and exercise young Delilah needs!Learn more here about our other dogs still waiting to get adopted!


Take Another Look at Me, Opal!


Meet GSP Jake!