Cooper is Safe!

Cooper shelter rescue safeCooper is Safe! Around the middle of December, California GSP Rescue was notified about a GSP that showed up as a stray at a high kill shelter in the central valley. We've pulled from this shelter in the past and expected we might be pulling the latest GSP since the shelter doesn't have a high adoption rate, seems to always be overcrowded, and will put down dogs to make room regardless if they are purebred or not. We waited and kept an eye on the new arrival while making the necessary transportation arrangements which can get complicated from the central valley with the lack of volunteers in that area. With all the transportation arrangements in place, the day before he was available to rescue, we couldn't confirm he was still at the shelter at the end of the day.It's a several hour drive to the shelter and not one we would ask anyone to make without confirming the GSP was still there and available. With plans on hold for the night, we received an email from the adoption coordinator the next morning that he had been adopted. Knowing he is out of the high kill shelter and safe was a relief, but not knowing where he went left us uneasy since the shelter doesn't have the resources to evaluate the dogs or the adopters.As it turned out, a few days later at the beginning of Christmas week, this particular GSP was returned because he didn't get along with the adopters other dogs. Unfortunately, by the time we were notified and due to the shelters holiday hours, there wasn't enough time to make the transportation arrangements before Christmas. He would have to spend Christmas in the shelter, but come the day after Christmas, we had plans to see he wouldn't spend another day in the shelter.Early that Friday, Transporter Jerry made his way to the shelter to pickup a GSP we were notified about nearly two weeks prior. He then transported him down to meet Volunteer David. David transported him and met another volunteer in a crowded shopping center parking lot (remember this is the day after Christmas). This GSP, who was now being called Cooper, was almost to the Rescue and was now safe!Everyone that has met Cooper thinks he is one beautiful GSP. Volunteer David called him a wiggle worm that is incredibly sweet. Transporter Jerry claimed he did great in the car too.California GSP Rescue wants to send out many thanks to David and Jerry as well as the other volunteers for remaining on standby the week before, and then making the transport happen over the holiday weekend. While many people were spending the day after Christmas with their families or out shopping for a deal, the volunteers at California GSP Rescue were making sure one more GSP was safe!Since we have had Cooper, we've learned a little more about him. He definitely needs some work on his socializing skills. He is young and active. He'll need someone that is going to be able to tire this boy out on a daily basis! Look for more about him real soon.


Lucky is a Canine Good Citizen!


Meet Molly!