Consider fostering

Have you considered fostering?  Read a note from Kenny's former foster mom and see if becoming a foster parent would be right for you!" We've had a few foster dogs now. Every one has been a joyful experience. Sure, there is the occasional difficulty, but mostly it is fun and rewarding. Every dog eventually relaxes and it is clear they appreciate the stable, home environment and all of the love and attention we are so happy to give. Many times over, I have heard the comment,  "I could never foster, I'd get too attached". I try to explain to them, the satisfaction of knowing you helped a dog get adopted makes it much easier. You know that fun and joy when your new puppy learns something? You get that ALL the time!  Our foster dogs have become our family project. Each of my girls competes to be the foster dogs'  favorite and my husband gets to teach the dogs that big, scary men can be their friend.Yes, you get attached. Yes, its sad when they leave. But you are far more happy than sad.  To know that you had a part in discovering a dogs personality and potential is priceless. To see him go to a caring forever family, warms your heart - Kenny is just one great example of this. The chances that someone would have come to the rescue and wanted to adopt him as he hid in the trees, were not very good. He would have languished in a kennel, continuing to be afraid. He, like so many dogs, just need the chance to relax in a home, so they can show their true, awesome, sweet, personalities"!Thank you to Kenny's foster family for giving him a second chance!  Kenny found his forever home last month!  If you've ever considered fostering a dog, please contact us by submitting an application on the website. There is a dog out there just waiting for you!


Vicki loves the lake!


Dog of the Week - Wilbur is a good boy!