Combo is Safe!

Combo_A963241w29Last week around the same time we learned that Chelsea had been surrendered to a local Humane Society, we learned about a younger stray GSP named Combo in a remote kill shelter. Knowing there wasn't any time to waste due to the low adoption rates of remote shelters, we immediately made plans to pull Combo from the shelter.When pulling from these remote shelters, it is often necessary for volunteers to drive an hour or more just to get to the shelter. Afterwards it isn't uncommon for the volunteer to drive further helping transport the rescued GSP closer to the final destination. California GSP Rescue is fortunate and grateful to have Volunteers Daniel and Grace who had the time and were willing to make the drive to save Combo. As an all volunteer organization, we rely on volunteers like Daniel and Grace to help. Without them, we wouldn't be able to rescue dogs like Combo!Check back on our website soon, for more information about Combo.


Meet Olfa!


Meet Ollie!