Cole's New Life

colesandbox290We enjoy updates from our adoptive families telling us of the adentures our rescue dogs have gone on. It is even more fun when the human communicates to us what their adopted GSP tells them about their new life. We received a wonderful email from Cole who was adopted last year."I want to thank you all for adopting me into the GSP rescue, giving me a chance at a second life and a hunt for a good home. I am ever so grateful for proving there is love and second chances for us "older" dogs out there. Since I was adopted in October, I have enjoyed my new forever family. I am surrounded with love by 3 boys (2 year old twin toddlers and a 6 year old). My other new best friend is Hogan the family's first rescued dog. We spend our days together and enjoy playing chase in the backyard and the sandbox. We have gone on numerous hikes and camping trips and are looking forward to a 30 day trip this summer. Thank you to all of the volunteers for investing your love and time in me! Much Love COLE.... woof..." 


Tara is Adopted!


Freckles and Spotty