Cody gets adopted!


Adopting a puppy requires time, commitment, consistency, and plenty of love. Paul and Suzi decided they were up to the task and adopted Cody - a 7 month old - from the rescue.  They recently wrote us to say, "It has been a week since we adopted Cody (now Bowen) from GSP Rescue.  We are having a fantastic time with him...Once again, thank you for your help and advice."  Paul and Susan are making sure Bowen gets the exercise he needs with many hikes and trips to the beach. They are providing the training he'll require to be a responsible member of the family, too. With plenty of activity and consistent training, an active GSP will become a treasured member of the family. Thanks Paul and Susan for giving Bowen everything he needs to grow into a great dog!

How to determine if your dog has dental disease


Willy: Enjoying life in his new foster home