Clyde gets adopted!

Clyde's story touched so many people. We received several emails from individuals wanting to know how they could help and if he was available. Fortunately, Clyde didn't have to stay at the rescue long. Heather, a repeat adopter, happened to be visiting on Clyde's first visit to the rescue. It didn't take long to see he would be a good match for her and Charlotte. Here is an update from Heather," For me Clyde is a success story. What a good boy he is- even Charlotte loves him. He is better behaved than I expected. We’ve gone riding w/ the horse and he stays right with me. He definitely has a forever home with me!"Thank you, Heather, for giving Clyde a forever home! Pictured are Heather  with Charlotte and Clyde


Third Annual Blessing of the Animals


Chet gets along with goats!