Chippa is Adopted!

Chippa Don Leah DSC_0009w64Chippa came to us from a lady that had many children and had purchased three young dogs.  A week into her purchase of Chippa (from a Craig's List post ), the lady realized a GSP was more than she could handle with her busy schedule.Unable to get in touch with the breeder, California GSP Rescue was contacted where Chippa went to a short term foster home. Her foster family fell in love with this young GSP, but ultimately Chippa went to a loving family, Donald, Leah and Kaiser, who had deep dog raising experience as well as being on the waiting list for almost a year waiting for a younger GSP.Leah reports that Chippa has breathed youth and life into their whole family and they are enjoying her immensely.  They report that "Chippa is a keeper".  We couldn't agree more.


Peaches is Safe!


Roger Dog is Safe!