Cheyenne is Safe!

GSP Mix adult rescue shelter safeCheyenne showed up at a local shelter last month as a stray and we were notified a short time later by several animal lovers that monitor their nearby shelters. Knowing she would be held the mandatory five days, we attempted to get as much information as we could about her. Giving her age, we weren't confident she would be adopted once made available to the public. Not that she is old, she's an adult, but most visitors tend to pay more attention to the younger and smaller dogs and little to adult and senior dogs.We were fortunate to make contact with Rescuer Julie who frequents the shelter for another rescue. She was able to provide information about Cheyenne before a volunteer showed up. In addition, we were impressed with the image the shelter had shared on their website taken by Kelly Vela of Dos Velas Images and were amazed there wasn't more interest in Cheyenne. She looked beautiful and we waited patiently to see if her owner would come or there would be any interest from someone wishing to adopt her. Amazingly, there wasn't. After her hold was up and she was made available to the public, and then a short time later to rescue, California GSP Rescue went to get her knowing she was now at risk of being euthanized.When we met Cheyenne, she was just as beautiful as she was in the image. She was frisky and immediately sought attention from the volunteer and anyone else that would pet her. She appeared to be doing the happy dance on the tile floors while the paperwork was being completed. With the paperwork in hand Cheyenne didn't waste anytime getting out the door once it was opened pulling the leash from the volunteers hand. However, unlike dogs that bolt, Cheyenne just wanted to experience the smells she had missed for the past week being cooped up in an indoor kennel. She was happy to be out safe but appeared to have the beginnings of kennel cough. She was treated for kennel cough and when she was better, she was spayed. Check back in the next few days to see her bio post.Dogs, like Cheyenne, needing additional medical attention isn't uncommon. California GSP Rescue sees the dogs get the medical attention they need while they are in our care. If you would like to help, please make a small donation below.[donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Cheyenne" description="Cheyenne was rescued from a local shelter and needed to be treated for kennel cough before she could be spayed. Please consider making a donation to help with her expenses. " style="wdf-fresh"]


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