Charlotte is Safe!

A582980 CharlotteLast week, like so many other weeks, California GSP Rescue was notified about several dogs in shelters. Fortunately, we are often notified about strays that have yet to be claimed by their owner. Sometimes, with a little luck, the owners reclaim their lost dog before the five day holding period.One dog we were notified about was Charlotte, who was an owner relinquishment that the shelter, unlike when dealing with a stray dog, isn't required to hold for a specific amount of time. While some shelters will look to get the dogs adopted, many shelters are overwhelmed and do not always have the resources or the space to hold dogs for an extended period.However, Charlotte was in luck. After receiving notification that there was a GSP in a shelter, Volunteers John & Teri went to take a look and get more information. Once we learned more about Charlotte, plans were made to pull and transport her. While most people spent their Labor Day weekend with their families, California GSP Rescue Volunteers John, Teri & Greg spent it getting Charlotte one step closer to her forever home. A big thanks to John, Teri, and Greg for helping to make this rescue possible.


Batai is Safe!


Abby Legs