Charlotte and Clyde - A Forever Home Together

Clyde Charlotte DSC_0108 w290Charlotte (10) and Clyde (6) are two great GSPs looking for a forever home - together. Although they have only been together for the past couple of years, it is clear that Clyde looks to Charlotte for guidance, just as he did his GSP sister in his very first home. In turn, Clyde keeps Charlotte young and young-at-heart by initiating a little mischief now and again!They both love to fetch! Being younger, Clyde is usually first to the ball, but if you watch Charlotte, she has the wisdom that comes with age. She knows when you are going to make a short throw, or toss it the other way - and beats him to the ball! This most often requires a little victory lap before she brings it back!Charlotte has been given up twice now by owners with a change in economic and housing situations. Clyde was first given up because of the death of his owner, and recently given up again with Charlotte. We are saddened that they must change families once again, but also grateful that their former owners chose to re-home them through the rescue, knowing  a shelter is often a death sentence for adult dogs.They are clearly happy to be together and we hope an adopter will step forward that will let them retain that one piece of familiarity and stability. In return, they will make you smile, and give you double the love, as they do for us!If you have room in your home and your heart for two incredible GSP's, please apply here.


Reasons to choose (Two) GSPs!


Spike is Safe!